In this gripping episode, we delve into the harrowing tale of Esther Beckley and Shane Harrison, infamously known for the Hollywood Video murders in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Join Leasa and her partners as they recount the events leading up to the tragic night in 1996, shedding light on the dark underbelly of a city with a high crime rate and a notorious reputation.
Explore the lives of Esther and Shane, two ex-convicts whose paths crossed in a reintegration program, leading to a volatile and deadly partnership. Discover the chilling details of their crimes, including the brutal murders of five innocent people, and the aftermath that shook the Albuquerque community to its core.
With insights into the investigation, the trial, and the fates of both perpetrators, this episode provides a comprehensive look at one of New Mexico's most shocking criminal cases. Don't miss the discussion on how this tragedy impacted the victims' families and the city itself, highlighting the resilience and unity of a community in the face of unspeakable horror.
Video store shooting plaque mysteriously disappears (
STATE v. HARRISON (2000) | FindLaw