In the chilling months of December 1957 and January 1958, a horrifying string of events unfolded, forever etching itself into the annals of American crime history. It was during this haunting period that Charles Starkweather, a mere 19 years of age, unleashed a rain of terror upon the unsuspecting lands of Nebraska and Wyoming, leaving a deep scar on the hearts of all who heard his name. Accompanying him on his macabre journey was his young and impressionable 14-year-old girlfriend, Carol Ann Fugate.
This episode dives into part two of their gruesome tale, detailing their flight from law enforcement, the devastating murders they committed, and the dramatic police chase that finally brought them to justice. Amid the chaos, questions arise about Carol Ann's role: was she a victim or a willing participant? Join us as we explore this dark chapter of American history, and stay tuned after for a bit of light-hearted Pod Lab banter.