In this captivating episode of "She Sees Weird People," hosts Leasa, Faith, and Sharon delve into the eerie world of Irish folklore, where ancient beliefs clash with tragic reality. Join us as we uncover the harrowing tale of Bridget Cleary, a young woman from 19th century Ireland, who became the victim of a horrifying superstition. Was she a changeling, or merely misunderstood by those she loved? Listener discretion is advised.
Through a blend of historical context and chilling details, we explore the fear and fascination surrounding Irish and European lore, including fairies, changelings, and fairy forts. Discover how deep-seated beliefs led to a community's drastic actions and the tragic end of a life caught in the crossfire of superstition and ignorance.
With engaging narration and humorous commentary, this episode offers a poignant look at how folklore can shape—and sometimes destroy—lives. Tune in for a story that is as intriguing as it is unsettling.
Aaron Mahnke- Lore